Thank You for choosing our Vision Enhancing Method Solutions Kit.


Solutions beyond the traditional, to support you
back to living a life with increased independence

In this kit, you will find the tools and guidance you need to enhance your vision based on four foundations and pillars

The more you feel confident, safe, independent, and liberated, the more you're able to enjoy life and the things that matters to you !

It takes authenticity, empathy and true care to realize the impact that those with
various levels of vision loss experience, which is why Dr. Ana Juricic created this
extraordinary Vision Enhancing Method - Solutions Kit

             This kit was so delicately curated by Dr. Ana Juricic to not only
enhance your vision but also
your overall wellness,

with solutions beyond the traditional, in order to maintain a healthy balance
within and without.

This kit was  delicately curated by Dr. Ana Juricic to not only enhance your vision but also your overall wellness, with solutions beyond the traditional, in order to maintain a healthy balance within and without.

It can sometimes feel overwhelming to navigate all the information about vision loss, that's being presented by various health care professionals or sources from the internet, news and social media.

It takes authenticity, empathy and true care to realize the impact that those with various levels of vision loss experience, which is why Dr. Ana Juricic created this extraordinary Vision Enhancing Method - Solutions Kit

Dr. Ana Juricic - The Creator of the Vision
Enhancing Method

With 27 years of experience as an Optometrist focused on low vision and cellular wellness, Dr. Ana is passionate and driven to make a global difference for all those living with vision loss, blindness and those impacted by their eyesight.

Meet Dr. Ana Juricic

Dr. Ana Juricic's mission and promise is to empower you to explore and expand your vison beyond sight through mindfulness, self-discovery, and re-imagined vision.

Dr. Ana  isfocused on providing solutions that are available to help achieve a person´s vision goals. Whether it's seeing your loved ones faces, reading, watching TV or enjoying day to day activities. 

Learn More About Dr. Ana Juricic


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You just unlock the following extraordinary content to support you to enhance your vision

7 Videos

See what Dr. Ana shares about enhanced vision tips and best eye health practices.

2 Audios

Listen to Dr. Ana's beautifully curated meditations and holistic solutions to enhance your vision.

2 Quizes

Personalized quizes to support you with solutions for vision enhancing!

4 Printable

Receive the best tips, practices and mindset techniques to support you back to your independence.

Access below to all the educational content, tools, and guidance you need to enhance your vision. 

Eye Health Supporting Solutions

Note: Click on the drop-down menu on each item to display the content.

Most people don't realize the importance of nutrition when it comes to your eye health.

Pillar 1

There are different kinds of foods, vitamins and nutrients that can help to manage risk and even progression of eye disease that can cause vision loss and blindness.

Dry Eyes and Lid Solutions

Note: Click on the drop-down menu on each item to display the content.

Eye drops are not one size fit all !

Pillar 2


This PILLAR is critical for caring for your eyes with solutions that are personalized and support your current eye health journey.

Customized Vision Enhancing Solutions

Note: Click on the drop-down menu on each item to display the content.

Traditional and Digital Devices

Pillar 3


This Pillar is essential for supporting you to see if any of Dr. Ana’s favourite best-in-class vision enhancing solutions are right for you and your lifestyle.

Independent Living Solutions

Note: Click on the drop-down menu on each item to display the content.

Expanding your vision beyond sight.

Pillar 4

This Pillar is crucial to empower yourself, the more you feel confident, safe, independent, and liberated, the more you're able to enjoy life and the things that matters to you !
Change your inner vision to impact you seeing the world differently.

Pillar 1

  • Vision Enhancing Nutrition Masterclass - video with Dr. Ana Juricic
  • Top 10 Vision Enhancing Nutrition Solutions - Printable PDF
  • All What You Need To Know About Eye Supplements  - video with Dr. Ana Juricic

Dry Eye and Lid Solutions

Pillar 2

Eye drops are not one size fit all ! 

This PILLAR is critical for caring for your eyes with solutions that are personalized and support your current eye health journey.  

Here is everything included in pillar 1

  • Dry Eye & Lid Solutions Quiz (with personalized eye drop solutions, just for you!)
  • Top 6 Vision Enhancing Tips -Printable PDF

Dry Eye and Lid Solutions

Pillar 2

Eye drops are not one size fit all ! 

This PILLAR is critical for caring for your eyes with solutions that are personalized and support your current eye health journey.  

Here is everything included in pillar 1

  • Dry Eye & Lid Solutions Quiz (with personalized eye drop solutions, just for you!)
  • Top 6 Vision Enhancing Tips -Printable PDF

Customized Vision Enhancing Solutions

Pillar 3

Traditional and Digital Devices

This Pillar is essential for supporting you to see if any of Dr. Ana’s favourite best-in-class vision enhancing solutions are right for you and your lifestyle.

Here is everything included

  • Customized Vision Enhancing Solutions QUIZ (with vision enhancing device solutions, just for you!)
  • Top 8 Vision Enhancing Apps - Printable PDF
  • Accessible Technology Guide & Navigator - video with Dr. Ana Juricic
  • Your Personal Guide To Using a Handheld Magnifier - video wtih Dr. Ana Juricic
  • What you need to know about Red Light Therapy to Enhance your Vision  - video wtih Dr. Ana Juricic

Customized Vision Enhancing Solutions

Pillar 3

Traditional and Digital Devices

This Pillar is essential for supporting you to see if any of Dr. Ana’s favourite best-in-class vision enhancing solutions are right for you and your lifestyle.

Here is everything included

  • Customized Vision Enhancing Solutions QUIZ (with vision enhancing device solutions, just for you!)
  • Top 8 Vision Enhancing Apps - Printable PDF
  • Accessible Technology Guide & Navigator - video with Dr. Ana Juricic
  • Your Personal Guide To Using a Handheld Magnifier - video wtih Dr. Ana Juricic
  • What you need to know about Red Light Therapy to Enhance your Vision  - video wtih Dr. Ana Juricic

Independent Living Solutions

Pillar 4

Expanding your vision beyond sight.

 Change your inner vision to impact you seeing the world differently.

"Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change"- Wayne Dyer

Here is everything included

  • Top 5 Independent Living Solutions - Printable PDF
  • Morning Gratitude Meditation - audio with Dr. Ana 
  • How Breathwork Can Support Your Enhanced Vision - video with Dr. Ana Juricic
  • Release Your Anxiety Meditation - audio with Dr. Ana
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We appreciate your trust in our innovative solutions beyond the traditional, designed to support you on every step of your vision enhancement jurney.

"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes"
-Carl Jung 


In The Next Coming Months, You Could…

  • Have increased independence.
  • May be able to contribute to your family and yourself.
  • May be able to do some of the things you used to do before.

The right solutions make all the difference in supporting your condition & gaining back your confidence!

The Vision Enhancing Method Solutions Kit

Four foundations and pillars, delicately curated by Dr. Ana, to enhance your vision. Not only are we taking care of your eyesight, we are also taking a step further and nurturing the cares and needs of your mind, body and spirit.

Beige Minimalist Testimonial Photo Quote Blog Banner (1500 × 1100 px) (4).png__PID:69a3dcbe-df70-4443-8346-666a6913b72d

Everything that is included:

* 2 Educational Audios and accompanying transcription Videos.
* 7 Educational Videos
* 4 Educational Printable PDF
* 2 Personalized Quizes

All received through email directly to you. 

$  97 CAD  ( Special Holidays Promo )  
Regular $395

"Alone We Can Do So Little.
Together We Can Do So Much"
- Helen Keller

If you aren’t completely satisfied with the Vision Enhancing Method Solutions Kit, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked!

If you have any questions, please send us an email to  :

Our Information

Toronto, Ontario Clinic:

3101 Bloor Street West, Suite 102, Toronto, Ontario M8X 2W2

(T) 647 824 8733
(T) 1.888.575.9233
(F) 416 981 3931

Hours of operation:

Monday: 9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:15 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 9:15 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

We look forward to hearing from you


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